Adoption: “Nothing else will do” and the impact of decisions much earlier in the child protection process about mental health assessments and provision of therapy
Gloucestershire County Council v M & Ors is a recently published case where a family court judge at circuit judge level applied routine, established law to the particular circumstances of a 9 month old baby boy and his vulnerable young mother. Through no fault of...
England’s Stolen Children? Plus ca change, plus c’est le meme chose
On November 15th 2016 a documentary aired on French television called 'England's Stolen Children'. 'Researching Reform' provided comment and a useful translation of the explanation of the programme's contents. If your French is good enough, you can watch the...

Family Court Reporting Watch: Weekly Round Up
Correcting, clarifying and commenting on media reports of family court cases Explaining and commenting on published Judgments of family cases Other transparency news MEDIA REPORTS OF FAMILY COURTS CASES / FAMILY JUSTICE ISSUES The Daily Telegraph...

Adoption targets : When we said it was complicated, we were oversimplifying – it’s REALLY complicated…
We published the results of a study on Adoption Targets on 17 November. A day later, the Association of Directors of Childrens' Services (ADCS) responded with a press release (although we didn't spot it at the time - it's a shame that although we had called for...
Is the Court of Protection really facing “rocketing” financial abuse by attorneys and deputies?
A recent article in the Daily Telegraph claimed that “Record numbers of people trusted to look after the finances of those lacking the mental capacity to do so are being struck off by the authorities.” The article’s headline was even more stark: “Financial abuse...

Some immediate reactions to CAFCASS’ open letter
When we received an emailed open letter from CAFCASS setting out their position in response to our recent blog post : What About Henry? An interesting discussion about how we deal with domestic abuse a number of us shared our immediate reactions to CAFCASS' letter...

Care order or Supervision Order?
A Judgment of HHJ Bellamy in Leicester has been published recently, which looks at the crucial differences between placing a child at home under a care order versus placing a child at home under a supervision order. As it is a judgment of a Circuit Judge it is not...
Allegations of harm and abuse in the family court: A good example of the Local Authority and the Court getting it wrong in Care Proceedings
The Transparency Project has blogged on aspects of how the family courts treat allegations of harm and abuse recently, mainly in the context of private law cases between separating parents: Mum’s Torment and What about Henry. The origins of our interest are to be...

John Hemming on adoption targets – guest post
This is a guest blog post by John Hemming, in response to our recently published adoption posts work and our call for more debate on this important topic. We welcome John's contribution and the contributions of others who wish to participate in public...
Open letter from CAFCASS on their approach to domestic abuse
The following letter from CAFCASS was received in response to our blog post blog following the Westminster event ‘What about Henry?’ : What About Henry? An interesting discussion about how we deal with domestic abuse in which we asked for clarification from...