

Adoption: “Nothing else will do” and the impact of decisions much earlier in the child protection process about mental health assessments and provision of therapy

Gloucestershire County Council v M & Ors is a recently published case where a family court judge at circuit judge level applied routine, established law to the particular circumstances of a 9 month old baby boy and his vulnerable young mother. Through no fault of...

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Some immediate reactions to CAFCASS’ open letter

Some immediate reactions to CAFCASS’ open letter

When we received an emailed open letter from CAFCASS setting out their position in response to our recent blog post : What About Henry? An interesting discussion about how we deal with domestic abuse a number of us shared our immediate reactions to CAFCASS' letter...

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John Hemming on adoption targets – guest post

John Hemming on adoption targets – guest post

This is a guest blog post by John Hemming, in response to our recently published adoption posts work and our call for more debate on this important topic. We welcome John's contribution and the contributions of others who wish to participate in public...

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