by Lucy R | May 5, 2024 | FCReportingWatch, Legal blogging, Reporting Pilot
Introduction – the context Since last November it has been possible, in a small number of family courts, for reporters to attend hearings before magistrates in the knowledge that it will most likely be possible to write about what has taken place after the hearing...
by Lucy R | Nov 30, 2023 | Cases, Comment, FCReportingWatch, Legal blogging, Notorious, Reporting Pilot, Transparency News
I begin this post by saying frankly that the transcript I have just read is shocking. If I had been told what was in it, I would not have believed it. Not so much the individual errors, but the combination of so many things gone wrong in one single transcript. Before...
by Lucy R | Nov 5, 2023 | FCReportingWatch, Reporting Pilot, Transparency News
Some news. The Reporting Pilot now running in 3 courts will shortly be extended to Magistrates in those courts. The Reporting Pilot will be rolled out in a number of other courts from January 2024. As with the first 3 pilot courts the new courts will first bring...
by Lucy R | Jul 18, 2023 | FCReportingWatch, Legal blogging, Reporting Pilot
QLR stands for ‘Qualified Legal Representative’, which sounds quite simple. However, in light of a recent article about the topic of QLRs, we thought it would be helpful to give some basic explanations of some of the terminology and the scheme. The article...
by Lucy R | Mar 21, 2023 | Cases, Comment, Legal blogging, Reporting Pilot
On 2 February 2023, I attended the Family Court in Cardiff, aiming to report on cases under the newly launched Reporting Pilot. I identified one case on the court list which I was able both to attend and report. It turned out to be a hearing in the FDAC – the Family...
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