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Family Court Reporting Watch Roundup

Family Court Reporting Watch Roundup

Welcome to the Roundup, where we correct, clarify and comment on media reports of family law, explain and comment on published family court judgments, and highlight other transparency news.  MEDIA COVERAGE OF FAMILY LAW, TRANSPARENCY etc The BBC reported that...

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International contact after a defended abduction

International contact after a defended abduction

This is the first full final hearing in a High Court case  that we have attended and reported on as legal bloggers. It raises interesting issues about international abduction; the aftermath regarding international contact; and the differing perceptions of two...

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The presumption and ‘contact culture’

The presumption and ‘contact culture’

A legal presumption was introduced into the Children Act 1989 in 2014 that, in a contact dispute between separated parents, the continued involvement of both parents in their child's life is in the child's best interests. This has become increasingly controversial and...

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