Open letter to the PSA – response from HCPC
Below is the text of an email response received on 16th February from the Health Care and Professional Council (HCPC), to our Open Letter of 10th February 2017 to the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) (we had cc'd the HCPC and the PSA invited them to respond)....
When child protection goes wrong – can you claim any financial compensation?
This post follows a recent report of an adult who has taken legal action against a local authority for failures to do their job properly or at all, resulting in harm to that individual. It is an attempt to provide a brief over-view of the likely routes to a claim for...
What’s going on with damages claims under the Human Rights Act?
IMPORTANT EDIT 29th June 2018 IMPORTANT EDIT RE THE STATUTORY CHARGE AND DAMAGES 29th June 2018 I am very pleased that this post is now redundant! Northamptonshire County Council & Anor v The Lord Chancellor(via the Legal Aid Agency) [2018], considers important...

Teresa Kirk and the Court of Protection – the end of an “astonishing story”
On 14 February 2017, the Daily Mail reported on developments in a Court of Protection case that it has been following for some time: “an astonishing story that has come to represent all that is wrong with Britain’s shadowy Court of Protection.” The story is that of...

Online courts: What’s the ‘human’ impact?
The testing of online courts should not simply be about whether the technology works, said Andrew Langdon QC, chairman of the Bar at an event on 16 February hosted by the UCL Judicial Institute, ‘The Case for Online Courts’. He sensibly pointed out the ‘human process’...

Family Court Reporting Watch: Weekly Round Up
Correcting, clarifying or commenting on media reports of family court cases Explaining or commenting on published Judgments of family court cases Highlighting other transparency news MEDIA REPORTS OF FAMILY COURTS CASES / FAMILY JUSTICE ISSUES...
Media reports on “the baby milk” case: Inaccurate? Spun? Harmful? A twitter discussion
This is our first attempt at storifying tweets...For future storifies we now have a storify account seethrujustice (it's not very exciting yet). [<a href="//" target="_blank">View the...

An unreasonable petition?
There are reports of an unusual case heard in the Court of Appeal recently: a wife appeals against a judge's refusal to grant her a divorce from her husband because she can't stand his behaviour any more and says the relationship has broken down irretrievably. We...

Enforcement of Family Financial Orders: Iqbal is the perfect example of why reform is needed.
This is a post by Zoe Saunders, barrister at St John's Chambers about the case of Iqbal v Iqbal [2017] EWCA Civ 19 (25 January 2017). Enforcement of family law orders in financial cases is not a straightforward process. There are relatively few family specific...

Correction request re inaccurate headlines : Mother who let her two boys sleep in her bed has them taken away by judge
We recently flagged inaccuracy in the reporting of a care case by the Telegraph, where children were permanently removed from the care of their family, apparently because of the mother's insistence on co-sleeping. The case wasn't really about co-sleeping at all...