by Paul M | Feb 23, 2021 | Cases, Explanation, Notorious, Transparency News
Last week the High Court made a widely publicised decision declaring that a government minister and his department had acted unlawfully in relation to the award of PPE procurement contracts in the early weeks of the pandemic. The case is called R (Good Law Project and...
by Paul M | Sep 1, 2019 | Comment, Events, Transparency News
From L to R: Sophie Walker, Mark Hanna, Brian Cathcart, Lucy Reed and Adam Wagner “A riot of independent journalism and free speech” is how the Byline Festival describes itself. It’s a varied mix of arts, literature, journalism and music, but running through it all is...
by Julie Doughty | Aug 6, 2018 | Transparency News
Sir James Munby, who retired as President of the Family Division at the end of July, has attracted a good deal of media attention over the years and has been innovative and enthusiastic about constructively engaging with the media. He was vocal as early as 2013 (in a...
by Paul M | Jun 12, 2018 | Comment, Consultations, Transparency News
The courts of England and Wales are currently undergoing a massive process of modernisation and reorganisation. The project known as HMCTS Reform involves closing older local courts and grouping courts into larger court centres in big towns, digitising all paper...
by Paul M | Mar 26, 2018 | Cases, Court of Protection, Explanation
The alleged poisoning of Sergei Skripal, a former Russian spy now living in England, and his daughter Yulia, in Salisbury earlier this month has been prominently reported in the news. Investigations into the nature of the military-grade nerve agent allegedly used on...
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