by reporting watch team | Feb 12, 2017 | Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
The press has been full with news stories about the case of Mr and Mrs Mills, and although no judgment has yet been published, further details have emerged as the week has worn on. And there is plenty of opinion out there too as to what this case means for, or...
by reporting watch team | Feb 11, 2017 | Analysis, Cases, FCReportingWatch
We wrote in January about a case reported as a wife losing her fight to keep divorce hearings secret. The wife in question was Mrs Norman. You can read our original post here. At the time the judgment explaining the Court of Appeal’s reasons had not been...
by reporting watch team | Feb 5, 2017 | Analysis, Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch, Trends
Two judgments have recently been published by Mr Justice Bodey in a financial remedy case. The case is interesting in terms of the law around financial remedies, and from a transparency perspective. You can read the main decision on BAILII here : X v X (application...
by reporting watch team | Jan 21, 2017 | Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch, Transparency News
The Times reported earlier this week that a case was about to be heard in which the Court of Appeal was being asked to consider the question of privacy in respect of financial remedy cases and appeals – and that it was thought that the Appeal Judges might issue...
by reporting watch team | Jan 2, 2017 | Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch, Notorious
The Telegraph reported just before Christmas that : Millionaire seeks greater share in divorce because he is a ‘genius’, prompting court to examine the meaning of the word The case is one involving a multimillionaire financier who is unhappy with...
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