by Guest Post | Mar 29, 2020 | Cases, Comment, Court of Protection, FCReportingWatch
This is a guest post by Celia Kitzinger, co-director of the Coma and Disorders of Consciousness Research Centre and Honorary Professor, Cardiff University School of Law and Politics. She tweets as @KitzingerCelia The judgment in this Court of Protection case was...
by Judith Townend | Mar 24, 2020 | Comment, FCReportingWatch, Legal blogging, Transparency News
NB An updated version of this post now appears at Judith’s own blog here. There will be an increasing use of ‘remote hearings’ in the courts in England and Wales in coming weeks and months, under existing law, and if extended provisions in the emergency...
by Lucy R | Mar 24, 2020 | FCReportingWatch
We don’t give legal advice at The Transparency Project, but we know lots of parents are worried about whether or not they can see their children or send them to the other parent. As of late last night the government guidance is clear that the exclusions to the...
by Alice T | Mar 21, 2020 | Explanation, FCReportingWatch, Transparency News
Published 21 March 2020. Updated 29 June 2020 There’s been a flurry of guidance in response to the pandemic. We’ve gathered some useful links (with key definitions) to help families, advice workers and professionals find and use practical information more...
by reporting watch team | Mar 19, 2020 | FCReportingWatch, Transparency News
This blog post originally appeared as the Transparency Project’s monthly column in Family Law for January 2020 at Family Law [[2020] Fam Law 118. Legal blogging We were thrilled to be awarded the Bar Pro Bono Innovation award, for our work on the legal blogging pilot,...
by reporting watch team | Mar 19, 2020 | FCReportingWatch, Transparency News
The President, Sir Andrew McFarlane, has issued the following national guidance and asked that it be shared widely: SIR ANDREW MCFARLANE PRESIDENT OF THE FAMILY DIVISION AND HEAD OF FAMILY JUSTICE COVID 19: National Guidance for the Family Court 19th...
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