by reporting watch team | Apr 13, 2020 | Analysis, Cases, Comment, Explanation, FCReportingWatch, Transparency News
Welcome to this month’s Roundup, where we correct, clarify and comment on media reports of family court cases, explain and comment on published family court judgments and highlight other transparency news MEDIA COVERAGE OF FAMILY COURT MATTERS Many mainstream...
by Jack Harrison | Apr 11, 2020 | FCReportingWatch
In the past few weeks, life as we know it has changed beyond recognition. I was struck by the words of Mr Justice Hayden in BP v Surrey CC and RP [2020] EWCOP 17 : “It strikes me as redundant of any contrary argument that we are facing “a public emergency”...
by Lucy R | Apr 10, 2020 | Comment, FCReportingWatch, Legal blogging, Trends
On 8 April, I went to Stoke-on-Trent for the day. Of course, I didn’t physically go there, but I was able to ‘attend’ the Family Court there, by joining a series of five telephone hearings being handled over the course of a day by a District Judge. I attended using...
by Guest Post | Apr 7, 2020 | Comment, FCReportingWatch
This guest post is written by an anonymous Circuit Judge working in the Family Court. There is no question that remote hearings are a good means of ensuring the continued delivery of the decision-making element of the family justice system. It is amazing that we...
by Lucy R | Apr 7, 2020 | FCReportingWatch, Trends
Everyone in the family court is working hard to try and keep the show on the road at a time when we can’t hold face to face hearings. There has been a lot of information and feedback from judges and lawyers, but until we published an impactful blog post by Celia...
by Malvika Jaganmohan | Mar 29, 2020 | Analysis, Cases, Comment, Court of Protection, Explanation, FCReportingWatch, Notorious
In the last two weeks, the family justice system has been plunged into the deep end. Family lawyers, judges and court staff have been grappling with varied forms of technology to transition cases online as quickly as possible during the coronavirus crisis. Inevitably,...
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