Courts: fit for the future – but not for the present?
More than a year has passed since the Transparency Project submitted its response (among many others) to the Ministry of Justice’s consultation on the future strategy of court and tribunal estate reform. Now at last the MOJ has issued its own response. You can read...
A Major Transparency Announcement from the Top Family Judge
Yesterday, the President of the Family Division published his anticipated guidance and consultation on transparency issues. The guidance had been promised by the President in the course of Transparency Project member Louise Tickle’s successful appeal against a...
Written evidence to Commons Justice Committee’s Court and Tribunal Reforms inquiry
In January 2019 the House of Commons Justice Select Committee launched an inquiry into the HMCTS Reform programme “to consider the progress made with the reforms so far and the implications of planned changes, particularly in relation to access to...
NOT reforming the courts’ approach to McKenzie Friends: a judicial abdication of responsibility
In February 2016, the Lord Chief Justice and the Judicial Executive Board issued a consultation entitled “Reforming the courts’ approach to McKenzie Friends”. Three years later, they have finally produced a response which, disappointingly, just passes the buck to the government.

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