When a case is described finely balanced, how important are the children’s expressed wishes and feelings? Dorset Council v M & Ors (Removal : Balance of Harm) [2021] EWFC B43
This is a post by Sophie Smith-Holland. Sophie is a family law barrister at St John’s Chambers, Bristol. She tweets as @SSmithHolland. In my last post I wrote about a case where the Judge disagreed with all the professionals and refused to approve a care plan of...
Parental alienation in practice
This is a guest post by Madeleine Whelan. Madeleine is a family law barrister at 14 Grays Inn Square Chambers. She co-hosts the family law podcast, Professionally Embarassing, and tweets as @Maddie__Whelan2 X, Y and Z (Children: Agreed Transfer of Residence) [2021]...
Do a fifth of marrying couples sign a pre-nup?
This is a guest post by Tony Roe, divorce and family law solicitor and arbitrator, and visiting fellow in family law, University of Reading. Tony tweets as @TonyRoeDivorce The Marriage Foundation has hit the headlines with its research paper entitled “One in five...
‘Childless’ marriage and the impact on your financial settlement following a divorce
INTRODUCTION This is a guest post by Teena Dhanota-Jones. Teena is a consultant family law solicitor at Simons Muirhead Burton. She tweets as @DhanotaJones I read with interest, in the matter of E v L [2021] EWFC 60 (13 July 2021) Mr Justice Mostyn’s rejection of an...
This is a guest post by Laura Vickers. Laura is a specialist children law barrister and mediator practising at No5 Barristers’ Chambers. She tweets as @LauraVickersNo5 When the social services department of a local authority believes that a child is likely...
‘Agony of fighting for my child in the courts… by a family lawyer: In a candid account, a lawyer reveals how – when she found herself in her clients’ shoes – it almost destroyed her’
Earlier this week, the Daily Mail published a story with the headline above, written by Michelle Goodman, a mother who had been in dispute with her child’s father about contact arrangements. (Michelle Goodman is not the author’s real name). We quickly recognised...
Apostasy, co-parenting and parens patriae: A round-up of recent UK/Middle East cases
This is a guest post by Laura Vickers. Laura is a specialist children law barrister and mediator practising at No5 Barristers’ Chambers. She tweets as @LauraVickersNo5 Sometimes, English courts need to deal with families living overseas. They gain the...
No winners here: financial remedy, conduct and terminal illness: JB v MB
Her Honour Judge Vincent is known for publishing her judgments. Whether they relate to children disputes, child protection and care proceedings or – as here in JB v MB [2020] EWFC B69 – financial provision on divorce, they are always clearly written and easy to...
Re I-A: use of the inherent jurisdiction to try to set aside adoption orders
In June this year, the Court of Appeal heard an application by a mother that the court use its powers under the inherent jurisdiction to set aside adoption orders made in April 2020, in respect of three children. The judgment in this case has now been published as Re...
What does AA v BB tell us about the treatment of domestic abuse since Re H-N?
What does AA v BB tell us about the treatment of domestic abuse since Re H-N? Since the Court of Appeal judgment in Re H-N [2021] EWCA Civ 448 which was handed down earlier this year, we’re starting to see more and more published cases concerning domestic abuse in...