Of a piece…

Of a piece…

We wrote last week about a misleading piece in Byline Times about Afsana Lachaux and the family court litigation she had been involved in. We set out a number of serious errors and omissions from that article that overall gave a significantly distorted impression to...
The things left unsaid…

The things left unsaid…

Stephen Colegrave looks at the case of Afsana Lachaux who is facing the threat of bankruptcy because a British judge upheld Dubai law So goes the headline of a recent article by Byline Times, an independent newspaper which prides itself on being straight and rigorous,...
Legal Blogging the Lay Justices

Legal Blogging the Lay Justices

On Friday I took the opportunity to try my hand at a spot more legal blogging. It was the last ‘working’ day before the end of my staycation, and I was somewhat ambivalent about using it up on this busman’s holiday – but in the end decided I was getting rusty, and I’d...