Panel Discussions at CPConf2016 – where do we go from here?

Panel Discussion CPConf2016  3rd June 2016 This is a partial transcript typed up by Sarah Phillimore from the audio recording of the discussion at the end of CPConf2016 which took place at Birmingham on June 3rd 2016. Some parts are incomplete as the recording was not...

CPConf2016 – How did it go?

On 3rd June 2016, the Transparency Project hosted the second Child Protection conference aimed at examining and discussing how the child protection system operates in England and Wales. Having concluded last year that the system wasn’t fit for purpose, the...

CPConf2016 Manifesto

What do we want to achieve? This is a post by Sarah Phillimore, wearing her ‘conference organiser’ hat. The Transparency Project is supporting CPConf2016 as an example of an event that aims to improve public understanding of the family law system.  It is...

Press Release: #CPConf2016

How do we keep children safe and families intact when the social care system is no longer fit for purpose? The Transparency Project is pleased to support the second conference to discuss how best to keep children safe and families intact on Friday 3 June at the Priory...

Social Media Evidence in Family Proceedings

I attended this very popular event organised by the London Family Justice Board at the Law Society this week. The large Common Room was packed. Unfortunately due to train issues I missed the very beginning and had to rush off before the end of questions but...