DIY justice

This is both a summary and a review of BBC’s flagship current affairs programme, Panorama, which last week tackled the issue of legal aid cuts and the phenomenal rise in the number of litigants in person (LIPs) now using the courts in civil and family cases. The...

The changes are organic and ongoing

(‘Organic’ – characterised by gradual or natural development – OED) So say the Court of Appeal, in a judgment given in a case called Re C (A Child) on 24 March; the full judgment has not yet been published. The judges in this case commented that...

Daily Mail in fair and accurate reporting shock

This is an updated version of the original post last week which disappeared during a period of site maintenance. We were rather surprised by this story in the Daily Mail last week which consisted of a perfectly reasonable selection of quotations from a Court of Appeal...

Anonymous Committals

Lucy Reed has blogged about a recent case where a person committed to prison for contempt of court was initially anonymous due to a reporting restriction order made by a Family Division Judge. The order has now been varied. You can read Lucy’s blog post on Pink...