
A simple question…
We apologise in advance. It began with a simple question, but this is a bit of a shaggy dog story...Bear with us. On 2 April, The Sunday Telegraph ran an item about a case in which a child "was taken away from her grandparents and put into foster care after they...

Christopher Booker’s St George’s Day Myth
[UPDATE 21 Jun 17 : Following the involvement of IPSO The Sunday Telegraph have agreed to correct factual inaccuracies in the column referred to below, and have published a statement of clarification. See here] The end of the “astonishing story” of Teresa Kirk and the...

Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children -v- Gard
This is a post by Emma Nottingham, Transparency Project member, for Family Court Reporting Watch: Facts The tragic case of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children v Gard was heard in the High Court Family Division last week. The case concerned an...
Too Middle Class to be a Good Mum?
Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story. The klaxon in The Transparency Project bat cave has been set to silent these past few weeks, given the strident frequency with which it had been blaring out. However, requests from concerned readers are still getting...

Grandmother, 53, who refused to help social workers find her three-year-old grandchild is held in prison for two days after council bosses said she was in contempt of court
We said we’d re-visit this February 2017 article from the Daily Mail once we had sight of Peter Jackson J’s judgment of his decision not to commit* grandmother Alison Moutiq. *send to prison In short : the Mail...

Christopher Booker is puzzled
Christopher Booker is "puzzled" by our "child protection" system, and in particular some things about the Samantha Baldwin case (see : Why are the police so happy to "hunt" innocent parents? in today's Sunday Telegraph, not yet appearing in the online version - we...
Good Work Mr Work – but is it GENIUS Work? Nope.
The case of Work v Gray has been in the news this week, as the Court of Appeal dealt with Mr Work's attempt to overturn a decision that his wife should get a half share of their fortune. We wrote about it in January here :...

Re W : a most difficult and concerning case of its type
Re W is a very long judgment. Re W (A Child) [2017] EWHC 829 (Fam) (06 March 2017) This post is but an outline of it and does not cover the details in full. It is heartbreaking to read, and will have been heartbreaking for W's parents to hear when delivered last...

‘Gross and obvious irregularity’ by a family court judge – LL v the Lord Chancellor
An unusual case from the Court of Appeal was published on BAILII this week, LL v the Lord Chancellor [2017 EWCA Civ 237, in which a High Court judge was criticised for 'gross and obvious irregularity' in dealing with a father in a family hearing and, as a result, the...
Reporting the Family Courts – Are we doing it justice?
On 5 April we held our panel discussion asking this question. It was a really constructive debate and we would like to thank all those who took part, both the panel and audience. At the event we launched our Media Guide for journalists, which you can read or download...