Adoption – where are we now?

Varying views and concerns have emerged in the weeks following the publication of the government paper on adoption in England. The policy landscape is still far from clear or agreed. The Supreme Court judgment published this week, on whether it is in the best...

Family courts in the headlines this week

Family courts hit the mainstream news headlines this week. Here is a brief summary of transparency related matters. Dr Waney Squier and expertise on non-accidental head injuries and babies The esoteric subject of an expert witness in the family courts came up, because...

‘Baby-snatchers’ and post-natal depression – update

As Paul Magrath noted lasted week, The Spectator published this article by Lara Prendergast on 6 February : Beware the baby-snatchers. He explained the misrepresentation of family court reporting in this story. Another unsubstantiated claim made by Lara Prendergast...

The case of the un-named local authority

The Guardian and the Whitby Gazette have featured a complaint by ‘a former Lib Dem MP’ about a family court judgment  in which the judge, HHJ Anderson, specifically explains that she will not name the local authority or the social workers involved.  The...