by Julie Doughty | Aug 18, 2022 | Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
The full name of this case is Warwickshire County Council v the Mother and the Father and X and Z. It appears on TNA as Warwickshire County Council v the Mother & ors [2022] EWHC 2146 (Fam). It’s also on BAILII here – which conveniently includes links to the case...
by Guest Post | Aug 12, 2022 | Cases, Comment, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
This is a guest post by Georgia Fineberg about the case of X v Y [2022] EWFC 77 (07 July 2022). Georgia is a future pupil barrister who has worked for nine years in the women’s voluntary sector, primarily supporting survivors of domestic abuse and the LGBTQI+...
by Guest Post | Aug 10, 2022 | Analysis, Court of Protection, Explanation
This is a guest post by Alex Ruck Keene, reposted with permission from the Mental Capacity Law and Policy blog. In Re EM [2022] EWCOP 31, Mostyn J expressed a number of concerns about the transparency order made in the case before him by Keehan J, in ‘broadly...
by Julie Doughty | Aug 4, 2022 | Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch, Transparency News
There’s been a lot in the media recently about individual people who are appointed in the family courts to give a professional opinion on relationships where there’s suspected alienation by mothers. This process happens by way of agreeing and commissioning...
by Emma Nottingham | Aug 3, 2022 | Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
We have previously written about the Archie Battersbee litigation here and here. This post highlights the latest developments including recent litigation and court applications. As a quick reminder, the case concerns a 12-year-old boy who sustained catastrophic...
by Paul M | Jul 31, 2022 | Analysis, Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
Last year, the High Court made the decision that the late Prince Philip’s will should be “sealed up” for a period of 90 years, preventing anyone finding out who he had left his estate to. The decision was made by the President of the Family Division, Sir Andrew...
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