by Jack Harrison | Oct 26, 2020 | Analysis, Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
In this post, I am going to explain two recent decisions by the Court of Appeal about adoption. These are Re Y – which is about leave to oppose (I will explain), and Re JL which is about leave to revoke a placement order (I really will explain). These decisions are...
by Guest Post | Oct 19, 2020 | Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
This is a guest post by Jessica Smith, a newly qualified solicitor hoping to specialise in family law. Described as “a most unusual case”, the Family Court at the Royal Courts of Justice recently dismissed a forty-one-year-old son’s claim that the “bank of mum and...
by Guest Post | Oct 13, 2020 | Cases, Comment, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
This is a post by Priyanka Patel. Priyanka is a commercial lawyer with an interest in family law, particularly child law. In the recent case of Re A, B & C (Children: Adoption) [2020] EWHC 2335 (Fam), the court made placement orders for the adoption of...
by Barbara Rich | Oct 12, 2020 | Analysis, Cases, Comment, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
This post originally appeared on Medium and is republished with thanks. It’s an explanation of, and commentary about, the recent family court judgment from the former President, Sir James Munby, in FS v RS and JS [2020]. In 1984, the now-defunct Trustee Savings...
by Guest Post | Oct 5, 2020 | Court of Protection, Explanation
This is a guest post by Alex Ruck Keene, a barrister at 39 Essex Chambers who specialises in Court of Protection work. In a very unusual case, P v Griffith [2020] EWCOP 46, the Court of Protection has sentenced a woman, a Ms Griffith, to 12 months imprisonment for...
by Lucy R | Sep 20, 2020 | Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
Stephen Colegrave looks at the case of Afsana Lachaux who is facing the threat of bankruptcy because a British judge upheld Dubai law So goes the headline of a recent article by Byline Times, an independent newspaper which prides itself on being straight and rigorous,...
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