
Should I apply for an Emergency Protection Order?
We've noticed that in a recent post the Researching Reform blog has highlighted the fact that it is possible for a parent to make an application for an Emergency Protection Order (EPO), an emergency order that is usually only made by social services to remove a child...

Hart Felt: (Non)Matrimonial Money in Hart v Hart
There have been a few articles in the newspapers about the latest judgment in Hart v Hart, a long-running case about the financial outcome of Mr and Mrs Hart’s divorce proceedings. Elsewhere on the Transparency Project, Mena Ruparel has criticised the inaccuracy of...

Sinister, Secretive and Cruel – A Fair Characterisation?
Lara Prendergast wrote a piece in The Spectator last week that ran under this headline : The sinister power of Britain’s family courts - Even if decisions are obviously cruel and unjust, the public is often not allowed to know. It's kicked off quite a discussion here...

Solicitors in a state of flux
This is a guest post by Mena Ruparel. Mena (@avoidgravity) is a solicitor and co-author of "How to be an ethical solicitor" published by Bath Publishing. On 31 August the Court of Appeal handed down the judgment in the big money case of Mr and Mrs Hart. Mrs Hart...

Family Court Reporting Watch Roundup
Correcting, clarifying or commenting on media reports of family court cases Explaining or commenting on published Judgments of family court cases Highlighting other transparency news MEDIA (MIS)REPORTS OF FAMILY COURT CASES The Times and other commentators -...

The Project is shortlisted for an award
We're really pleased to have been shortlisted for the Jordans' Family Law Commentator Of The Year award. The competition is pretty fierce, so who knows if we will win, but we are just happy to bask in the recognition of being shortlisted for now. Who gets the award...

Misreporting the misreporting – that foster care case again
We've written about the so-called "muslim foster care case" already (here and here). We've been somewhat critical of the coverage by The Times. But we are a little concerned that some of the criticism we have seen of media reports, particularly but not exclusively of...

Family Court Reporting Watch Roundup
Correcting, clarifying or commenting on media reports of family court cases Explaining or commenting on published Judgments of family court cases Highlighting other transparency news MEDIA (MIS)REPORTS OF FAMILY COURT CASES The Times - We commented on the...

The most secretive court in all of Christendom…
Recent coverage of the placement of a 5 year old Christian girl with a muslim foster family that spoke no English has generated much outrage and media attention this week. But as more information emerges it is becoming clear that things are more complex and less clear...

Are we still ‘Amusing Ourselves to Death’ and if so, at what cost to children?
This is a guest blog post by Marion Oswald Senior Fellow at The Centre for Information Rights, University of Winchester, examining the British and Irish Law Education and Technology Association (BILETA) consultation run by The Centre of Information Rights. The...