

Imprisoned Harts

Imprisoned Harts

I thought I should update the blog post I wrote about the acrimonious case Hart v Hart, because there have been new developments. I take full responsibility for the increasingly bad titles. You can find the original post here. It concerned how their several million...

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Bob the Builder – can IPSO fix it?

Bob the Builder – can IPSO fix it?

The Transparency Project referred a complaint to the Independent Press Standards Organisation after the Daily Mail refused to correct substantive inaccuracies in a headline and article about a family court judgment. The complaint was ultimately rejected, following an...

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Children and young people’s mental health and well-being: yet more judicial concern about the lack of adequate provision of care

Children and young people’s mental health and well-being: yet more judicial concern about the lack of adequate provision of care

This is a guest post by Camilla Parker, lawyer and independent consultant specialising in the legal rights of children and young people in need of mental health care. She explains why judges in two recent cases have expressed strong views about the lack of provision...

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