
Mrs Norman and the indigestible cherry
Update : the main judgment in the case of Norman has now been published. You can read it here : Norman v Norman [2017] EWCA Civ 120 (03 March 2017) We’ve previously written about this case when it was covered in the press, and when an earlier judgment was released in...
Guilty until proven innocent? — Lecture by Professor Jo Delahunty QC
Giving the second of a series of lectures at Gresham College on the difference between crime and family law proceedings, Jo Delahunty QC spoke about the use of expert medical evidence in cases concerning the death or serious injury of a child. She explored, by way of...

English mother to be reunited with child in Dubai…
This post is about the case of Lachaux v Lachaux [2017] EWHC 385 (Fam), a recent decision by Mr Justice Mostyn. It is really hard to write an accurate and not too long headline for this sort of case. We're not sure the headline we've gone with is a good summary, but...

High Court to decide future of very ill baby
The High Court is today dealing with a very sad and difficult case, involving the question of whether the life support for a 7 month old baby should be turned off. The doctors treating him think it is better for him if it is turned off, whilst his parents say it...
The PSA – nothing to see here!
We have been looking at transparency issues in connection with the regulation of social workers, in light of a case where a family court made very serious findings against 3 social workers. On the face of it, these findings would amount to serious professional...
Public confidence in the social work regulator: Where next? (Twitter conversations via Storify)
Interesting conversations on twitter yesterday, in response to the social work regulators decision in 'the Hampshire social workers case'. We've 'storified' some of them here. (With thanks for thought provoking discussions and apologies for omissions or errors). [View...

Family Court Reporting Watch: Weekly Round Up
Correcting, clarifying or commenting on media reports of family court cases Explaining or commenting on published Judgments of family court cases Highlighting other transparency news MEDIA REPORTS OF FAMILY COURTS CASES / FAMILY JUSTICE ISSUES The...
How can you defend a rapist?
This blog post originally appeared on Lucy Reed's Pink Tape blog. This : "but how CAN you defend a rapist?" is the apocryphal question asked of any lawyer at any dinner party she is daft enough to attend (actually the question is real enough, though I’m...

Co-Sleeping Correction Requests – Update
We made correction requests to three national newspapers regarding their coverage of a care case which involved (but was not about) co-sleeping. We have now received a response from all 3 of the newspapers involved. The results are below. You can read the original...
Shi-Anne Downer – Press Coverage and Serious Case Review
The publication of the Serious Case Review in the very sad case of Shi-Anne (Keegan) Downer, murdered at 18 months old by her Special Guardian Kandyce Downer, has prompted a fresh round of press coverage of the circumstances of her death. Kandyce Downer was convicted...