by reporting watch team | Jan 11, 2018 | Comment, FCReportingWatch
This is a guest post by Byron James, Barrister, Expatriate Law. He tweets as @byron_barrister. Some quarters of the press have behaved so badly recently that passengers are no longer able to buy their wares on Virgin West Coast trains. Unfortunately, the rest of us...
by David Burrows | Jan 9, 2018 | Comment, FCReportingWatch
Under the headline ‘Jamie and Louise Redknapp’s divorce papers to be kept secret as a judge blocks the release of documents’ the Transparency Project reported last week-end that the Press were complaining a London court had ‘blocked the release of papers that would...
by reporting watch team | Jan 6, 2018 | Comment, FCReportingWatch
This is a guest post by Jo Edwards, who tweets as @MissJoEdwards. Like other fixtures in our diaries at this time of year – Boxing Day sales, gym and diet adverts starting just after Christmas, travel companies enticing us in the depths of winter with promises...
by reporting watch team | Jan 6, 2018 | Cases, FCReportingWatch
The Sun are very very cross. Why is that? Well…. Here’s the headline : REDKNAPP DIVORCE SECRET Jamie and Louise Redknapp’s divorce papers to be kept secret as a judge blocks the release of documents District Judge Ian Paul Mulkis blocked the release of...
by Polly Morgan | Nov 2, 2017 | Explanation, FCReportingWatch
The Daily Mail have reported on a pilot project in which people start divorce proceedings by completing an online form. The project, which is running in Nottingham, has apparently had really positive results. The current method for starting a divorce is to post the...
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