This is a record of a working document, from which our constitution was drawn.
- The Transparency Project aims to promote the transparency of Family Court proceedings in England and Wales through providing straightforward, accurate and accessible information for litigants and the wider public.
- The Transparency Project does not seek to promote a particular perspective on the Family Justice System but through its work aims to facilitate and engage with evidence based and properly informed public debate.
- The Transparency Project aims to contribute to and promote debate about Transparency and the Family Justice System by exploring non-traditional methods of stimulating informed debate and of delivering public legal information.
- The individual participants in the project hold different personal views about issues in these fields and the project neither adopts those views nor seeks to prohibit its members from expressing them. The participants’ shared belief is that there is a pressing public need for the provision of good quality information to be presented to the public in accessible form in order for public debate and opinion to be informed, and that the reporting of cases via the mainstream media is currently insufficient to achieve this aim fully.
- The Transparency Project aims in due course to involve “non-professionals” in the organisation and running of the project, once it has established itself as an organisation.
- The Transparency Project will identify a series of projects through which it will promote the identified goals.
- The Transparency Project aims to comment on judgments in cases which (a) arouse public or media attention and require to be explained or clarified to avoid misunderstanding; (b) are of interest to family law professionals; or (c) provide useful examples of how the family justice system works.
The private family case I’m involved in is a prime example of why the ‘secret family courts ‘ need to be opened up to the public / media. Judges not following procedure including high court judges, refusing to look at evidence, bias , child removed from mother when no fact finding has taken place and authorities say child is safe with mother. [edited]]
Susan, I’m afraid we don’t generally publish comments about private proceedings, or the detail of what has gone on in court, which is why I have edited your comment slightly and am declining to publish your subsequent 2 comments giving further details. I’m particularly conscious of the fact that you appear to be attempting to publish details about somebody else’s case and I therefore don’t think it would be appropriate to publish that even if I ignored the court rules regarding what is and is not permissible to report.
If I could show you proof of corruption, breach of solicitors act 1993, prejudice and promotion of case for exhusband police officer and police organisational abuse preventing safeguarding and reporting of domestic abuse and child abuse all evidence ignored against him and superior Officer, now wife as well as defraud of the court, would you have any ability or time to help me. No where to turn for protection, psychological, controlling , emotional and financial abuse. Arrangements made by social worker to give my address out and promote anxiety, then criticise and defraud case for unfit mother and change of child’s carer to abusive father.
Hi, I’ve anonymised your comment to protect yours and your children’s identities. We are a legal education charity and unfortunately do not offer legal advice nor take on casework. As such, I’m not sure we’d be able to offer any assistance. I’m sorry we can’t help further.
The horrific and traumatising experience I endured in the Central Family Court of England led me to write a book to expose my case and be an example of in legal procedures textbooks on what not to do. I also am to change the vast discretionary power granted to undeserving judges.
Why do only a few courts have the transparency project?
What can people like myself do to help get all family courts to have transparency?
I live in [Edited], the family court judges and CAFCASS are enabling abusive parents, ignoring the wishes and feelings of children and ignoring evidence, survivors are being re-traumatised and nothing is being done (so it would seem) to shine a light on what is going on behind the court doors.
hi Emma,
You may be mixing us up with the Reporting Pilot, where journalists and legal bloggers are invited into court to report. The pilot will eventually be extended to all courts, we think. It’s quite a gradual process, unfortunately. However, journalists are allowed to attend most family court hearings. See our legal blogging pages for details.
I have a social work background and have lived experiences of corrupt social work practices from the inside out, in particular of cases close to me falsely accused of FII with children with disabilities, usually autism, over emphasis on personal childhood trauma, gender bias towards abusive fathers, and against single neurodivergent mums, gross injustices harming children, usually mothers and the wider family and friendship support networks who are vicariously traumatised by dishonest often what seems to be narcissistic practices of some social workers that goes unchecked unmonitored and even when complaints are upheld, no accountability, no whistleblowing despite often agreement with any associated professionals – how do we campaign and effect change when even the EDI Advisory Group to BASW have no idea where to start and SWE have no powers to intervene and family court judges ignore perjury?