by Guest Post | Sep 23, 2021 | Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
This is a guest post by Kathryn Cassells. Kathryn is an associate solicitor at Vaitilingam Kay, specialising in family law including divorce, finances and private children law. Kathryn tweets as @MasonCassells Y v The Secretary of State for the Department of Work and...
by Emma Nottingham | Sep 19, 2021 | Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch, Notorious
On 17 September 2021 the Court of Appeal handed down the awaited judgment in the case of Bell v Tavistock. The full written case report can be found here. We reported on the Divisional court’s decision at the end of last year, and on the Court of Appeal hearing which...
by Lucy R | Sep 12, 2021 | Cases, Comment, Explanation, FCReportingWatch, Legal blogging
PART 4 COMMENT This is the fourth and final part of a four part blog series. Part 1 is here, and links to parts 2 and 3. Reminder : To ensure that the child and family are not identified I am not allowed to reveal whether the child is a boy or a girl, but to make the...
by reporting watch team | Sep 12, 2021 | Cases, Comment, Explanation, FCReportingWatch, Legal blogging
PART 3 : HOW DID YOU DO IT? This is the third part of a four part blog series. Part 1 is here, and links to parts 2 and 4. Reminder : To ensure that the child and family are not identified I am not allowed to reveal whether the child is a boy or a girl, but to make...
by Lucy R | Sep 12, 2021 | Cases, Comment, Explanation, FCReportingWatch, Legal blogging
PART 2 : THE CASE This is the second part of a four part blog series. Part 1 is here, and links to parts 3 and 4. A reminder: To ensure that the child and family are not identified I am not allowed to reveal whether the child is a boy or a girl, but to make the posts...
by Lucy R | Sep 12, 2021 | Comment, Explanation, FCReportingWatch, Legal blogging
PART 1 : INTRODUCTION This series of posts is about a case dealt with in the Family Court at Hull in August, in which a judge ordered a transfer of residence of a young child from the mother’s care into the father’s care, following long running proceedings and...
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