by Abigail Bond | Jul 22, 2019 | Cases, Court of Protection, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
This is a post from Abigail Bond, one of our new contributors. Abigail tweets as @AbigailBond1. On Friday 21 June 2019 Mrs Justice Lieven gave an ex tempore (spoken) judgment in open court in the Court of Protection, declaring that AB, a 24 year old...
by Sophie Smith Holland | Jul 21, 2019 | Analysis, Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
This is a post from Sophie Smith-Holland, who tweets as @SSmithHolland. The question of how the family court deals with domestic abuse has had a huge amount of public and media attention recently. Concerns have been raised that the system is placing children and...
by Guest Post | Jun 29, 2019 | Analysis, Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
This is a guest post by Charlotte John. “The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep.” Robert Frost, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Last year saw an abundant crop of “proprietary estoppel” disputes between...
by Lucy R | Jun 17, 2019 | Cases, Comment, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
The Transparency Project was founded in part to counter dodgy headlines and over-simplified or inaccurate media reports about all things family law. Every so often, distortion of what a case *really* says or means comes from within the system. This is one such...
by Julie Doughty | Jun 9, 2019 | Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
One of the tasks of the new review of family courts and domestic abuse announced last month by the MoJ is to examine courts’ use of barring orders. (By the way, we don’t know when the three months for the review starts, although we are now three weeks in from...
by Sophie Smith Holland | Jun 7, 2019 | Analysis, Cases, Explanation, FCReportingWatch
This is Part 2. You can read Part 1 here. A (A Child) [2019] EWFC B16 (12 March 2019) In this case, the court was making a final decision in care proceedings. The decision to be made was whether a child could be cared for by both of his parents, just his mother...
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