
Just prior to the Child Protection Conference that we were involved with in June we put together a survey for participants and others with experience of the Child Protection to complete. We had high hopes for it. This post is an update on how it went with the survey....

Adoption Statistics – again

John Hemming, former MP, has recently written a blog post on the Marilyn Stowe blog, called Adoption –  A look at the statistics, in which he says :  In the year to 31 March 2014 5,050 children left care through adoption, and of these 2,400 were “non consensual”...

Transparency Toolkit

This toolkit was prepared by Alice Twaite and Lucy Reed in May 2015. It gives an overview of some transparency related issues in the Family Court. Download Toolkit You are free to use, copy and circulate it, but it does not contain legal advice and it may not be...