Ordinary heartbreak

Ordinary heartbreak

This post is about a hearing I attended recently as a legal blogger. I wrote about the overall experience that day here. This hearing was a case management hearing in a care case. Although such cases are private and I would not normally be permitted to write publicly...
The four corners of legal blogging

The four corners of legal blogging

Recently I found myself with a day free of hearings or pressing work, and decided to spend it legal blogging. The night before the hearing I took a look at the court lists, and identified one with several shortish hearings that (based on the case number and...
Off to IPSO we go…(hey ho)

Off to IPSO we go…(hey ho)

On 27 August the Express published an article under their ‘crusade’ to ‘End this injustice’ (in family courts). We were concerned that it contained serious inaccuracies and was misleading. We wrote about that in a post on 30 August : The Danger...

Help us raise funds to do transparency “stuff”

The Transparency Project was founded in 2014 and achieved charitable status in April 2015. The Project aims to promote better understanding of the family justice system in England & Wales by providing accessible and balanced information, and through facilitating...