Family courts in the headlines this week

Family courts hit the mainstream news headlines this week. Here is a brief summary of transparency related matters. Dr Waney Squier and expertise on non-accidental head injuries and babies The esoteric subject of an expert witness in the family courts came up, because...

‘Baby-snatchers’ and post-natal depression – update

As Paul Magrath noted lasted week, The Spectator published this article by Lara Prendergast on 6 February : Beware the baby-snatchers. He explained the misrepresentation of family court reporting in this story. Another unsubstantiated claim made by Lara Prendergast...

The case of the un-named local authority

The Guardian and the Whitby Gazette have featured a complaint by ‘a former Lib Dem MP’ about a family court judgment  in which the judge, HHJ Anderson, specifically explains that she will not name the local authority or the social workers involved.  The...