UPDATE JUN 2024 – we are reviewing our documentation and will republish it here when that is complete. The linked document below is no longer current, but we have left it live for information purposes whilst we review.

Earlier this year a team of lawyers in Bristol developed and launched the www.familycourtinfo.org.uk website, an information resource for families involved with the family court in the Bristol, Gloucester, Bath and Somerset area.

The Transparency Project is working with the familycourtinfo team in Bristol to enable other areas to use the site developed in Bristol to help families in those localities.

The Transparency Project is pleased to facilitate this rollout of the site, which will help families to understand the law and the process they are involved with, and to source the help they need in their local area.

Under the scheme, a local version of the site, populated with locally specific information can be made available to other areas for a fixed fee of £750. The fee covers development, set up, administration, hosting, maintenance, support and training – and includes a modest allowance to the Transparency Project and the originating site organisers, which will help to maintain the original site.

The licensing project documentation can be downloaded here. Enquiries to info@transparencyproject.org.uk.