by reporting watch team | Jul 23, 2018 | FCReportingWatch
This week in the House of Commons, during a debate about Domestic Abuse and the Family Courts, Jess Phillips MP said this : …There is often friction among specialist women’s organisations, the judiciary and lawyers with regard to issues to do with violence...
by Paul M | Mar 4, 2018 | Comment
In the latest in her series of lectures on Transparency in the Family Justice System, Gresham Professor of Law, Jo Delahunty QC considered the problems faced by the courts in dealing with family law cases involving allegations of child sex abuse. A warning Jo...
by David Burrows | Dec 31, 2017 | Analysis, Cases, Comment, FCReportingWatch
Open justice for a child in criminal proceedings What legal principles connect publicity for the 17 year-old Charlie Pearce (born 3 July 2000), a double rapist and attempt murderer (R v Pearce (Press Restrictions) Haddon-Cave J (7 December 2017)) and privacy for a...
by reporting watch team | Sep 24, 2017 | Explanation, FCReportingWatch
Children at risk of psychogical or physical abuse must not have contact with parent, judges told (sic) This was the headline in The Times that arose from the publication by the President of the Family Division of a revised Practice Direction 12J (PD12J). PD12J is the...
by reporting watch team | Aug 4, 2017 | Comment, FCReportingWatch, Resources
CAFCASS and Women’s Aid have collaborated on research about allegations of domestic abuse in child contact cases. We published a guest post by psychologist Sue Whitcombe on this here : Looking beyond the headlines: domestic abuse allegations in family...
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