Family Court Reporting Watch Roundup
Welcome to the Roundup, where we correct, clarify and comment on media reports of family law, explain and comment on published family court judgments, and highlight other transparency news. MEDIA COVERAGE OF FAMILY LAW, TRANSPARENCY etc The BBC reported that...
International contact after a defended abduction
This is the first full final hearing in a High Court case that we have attended and reported on as legal bloggers. It raises interesting issues about international abduction; the aftermath regarding international contact; and the differing perceptions of two...
Contempt of Court : The Law Commission’s Consultation – A Response
This is Sir James Munby’s response to the Law Commission’s current open consultation. The consultation is open until 8 November. Sir James is the previous President of the Family Division. The Transparency Project will be submitting its own response...
‘Have you thought about giving notice?’
It has taken five months for us to be able to tell this story. Ordinary cases matter. Open Justice shouldn’t be this hard.

Keep out! When justice cannot be seen to be done, how do we know it’s been done?
This is Paul’s account of how he tried and failed to observe a simple family court hearing in the magistrates court. Open Justice shouldn’t be this hard.
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