

Child Protection Conference 2016 – presentations

With apologies for the delay, here are the available presentations from the Child Protection Conference on 3 June 2016. We have also recently published a transcript of the panel discussion that took place on the day, which you can find here. Andy Bilson : Presentation...

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Prison threat for “gran jailed over a hug”

New prison threat for gran who was jailed over a hug:  Pensioner could be locked up again after helping her granddaughter to escape from a care home Court order prevents contact between Kathleen Danby and granddaughter In 2014 Mrs Danby, 74, was sent to jail after...

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The “secret” transparency pilot

Although it was announced quite openly, and written about here on this blog, we suspect that the Court of Protection's transparency pilot scheme has not actually resulted in any attendance of cases by members of the public unconnected with a case. One reason for this...

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Lessons from the Ellie Butler Case

Lessons from the Ellie Butler Case - Event on October 3rd 2016 Members of the Transparency Project will be speaking at an event organised by the London Regional Group of Resolution on October 3rd entitled 'Lessons from the Ellie Butler Case'. The venue is Charles...

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