What’s the point of a judgment?

What’s the point of a judgment?

This is a guest post from Alexander Chandler KC. The post originally appeared on Alex’s Family Brief blog here and is republished here with thanks to Alex. Alex tweets as @familybrief. Examples, Authorities and the Panopticon Cast your mind back to the first...
What happened to the Ks?

What happened to the Ks?

Further to our post on the Court of Appeal judgment in April 2022, ‘K v K – Court of Appeal give guidance on fact-finding hearings and on MIAMs’, here is an in-depth analysis of the developments in the Re K case. Many thanks for this guest post by...


A response to the Report of the Financial Remedies Sub-Group of The Transparency Implementation Group This is a guest post by Sir James Munby in response to the report of the Financial Remedies Sub-Group of the Transparency Implementation Group, which can be read...